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6 Jul, 2024 06:49

Julian Assange’s brother Gabriel Shipton on Julian FINALLY being freed: ‘A POLITICAL MIRACLE’


On this special episode of Going Underground, we speak with Wikileaks founder Julian Assange’s brother Gabriel Shipton, producer of the ‘Ithaka’ documentary. He discusses the developments in the weeks leading up Julian Assange finally being freed from prison in London, the plea deal with the US Justice Department, and the grassroots efforts by the thousands around the world who protested for years and campaigned to free Julian Assange. He also discusses what it was like to visit Julian Assange inside Belmarsh Prison over the years, the media’s endless lies about the case including the falsehood that Wikileaks revelations harmed US personnel, the media’s carelessness in reporting Wikileaks revelations and not fastidiously redacting names as Julian Assange had done, and the demand – as part of the plea deal – to destroy unpublished leaks, and the lost Chelsea Manning leaks on more US war crimes in Afghanistan. Gabrial Shipton goes on to talk about the role of new UK Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer in the persecution of Julian Assange as head of the Crown Prosecution Service, the fact there is a lot left to uncover in Julian Assange’s persecution, the Australian people’s love for Julian Assange, and why the US hated him more than Russia and China despite Assange revealing secrets of both Moscow and Beijing.

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